Cull lumber definition. Cull definition is to select from a group. Verb an example of cull is when you select only limited pieces of information from a variety of sources. An example of cull is when hunters kill deer to reduce the. To cull is defined as to select from a large number of options.
See collect1 cull. Have a split in it or a chunk is missing. To remove rejected members or parts from a herd for example. Often it may be a leftover from a larger piece cut for another customer.
Cull lumber is lumber that has been pulled from inventory because it is damaged in some way or is a piece leftover from trimming. Cull lumber can be any number of things such as off cuts from other customers who just need 3 feet of an 8 foot board because i cant fit it in my ford focus i dont know what that guys problem was. Middle english cullen from old french cuillir from latin colligere. It might be warped.
How to use cull in a sentence. It might be warped have a split in it or have a chunk missing. Culled culling culls 1. Cull lumber is lumber that has been pulled from inventory because it is damaged in some way or is a piece leftover from trimming.