Brad nail sizes. When choosing brad nails see to it that the length of the nails is at least three times the thickness of the materials that you want to nail through. Using the wrong brad nail may result to damage on the work surface. Duplex heads are used where the nail must later be removed for example in constructing movie sets. Before you go out and shop for a nail finisher take the time to figure out what size nails you will be using.
Brad nails and finish nails are both used in carpentry driven into the surface of wood materials using air compressor powered nail gunsmost of the time brad nails are often called finish nails or finishing nails because their sizes do not really differ that much from actual finishing nails. The brad head is found on finishing nails and brads. Its imperative to consider the relation between nail lengths and nail gauge using the below charts. Nails are available in different sizes and shaft configurations to maximize their holding power in different applications.
All types are readily available at hardware stores. Usually it is cupped. That is it has a small depression in the middle of the head that serves to steady a nail set. In addition to being thinner than standard nails they also feature a smaller head.
Most nails have a diamond point a 4 sided pyramid. Thinner nails have higher gauge numbers. What size brad nail for trim. As discussed above there are peculiar brad nails lengths sizing and gauge for varied projects.
Brad nails have very small heads and can be hand driven with a tack hammer or shot in with a pneumatic nail gun or electric nail gun. Choosing the right nail size for your project is very crucial. Nail gauge sizes indicate the thickness of the nail. For trim purposes you should be looking at using 15 16 18 or 23 gauge nails.
The holding power of a nail derives from the simple friction of the displaced bentwood fibers gripping the shaft of the nail. Brad nails come in varying lengths from 58 inch to 2 14 inch and closely resemble finish nails. When driven into wood the shaft of a nail pushes apart wood fibers as the point penetrates. Nail size and length.
15 and 16 gauge nailers are the anchors of the pneumatic trim team and are the most versatile for interior trim purposes.